1. Kunngjøring:
    Mod (Co-admin)

Hostile medical policies on the planet Thyroid (English only)

Millions and millions of sick people in the world can thank the modern caricature of the medical profession which condemns them to a life as living dead.


  1. 5 Svar
    6,973 Visninger
  2. 1 Svar
    5,351 Visninger
  3. Exclamation Stop The Thyroid Madness Blog Newsletter

    Started by Mod, 09-04-16 12:39
    Janie Bowthorpe, Newsletters, Stop The Thyroid Madness, STTM
    3 Svar
    4,624 Visninger
  4. Exclamation From Hypothyroid to Business.

    Started by Anisa, 03-06-15 19:24
    activism, From Hypothyroid To Business, hypothyroidism, Janie Bowthorpe, Maggie Hadleigh-West, Mary Shomon, patient advocacy, patient advocates, Sheila Turner, Sick to Death!, Stop The Thyroid Madness, Thyroid.About.com, Tpauk.com
    1 Svar
    5,974 Visninger
  5. Exclamation Open Letter to Mark Vanderpump

    Started by Anisa, 01-06-15 18:54
    Mark Vanderpump MD
    4 Svar
    9,751 Visninger
  6. 2 Svar
    4,674 Visninger
  7. 0 Svar
    4,468 Visninger
  8. 2 Svar
    7,279 Visninger
  9. 5 Svar
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  10. 2 Svar
    5,321 Visninger
  11. Unhappy Edna Kyrie is already forgotten

    Started by Anisa, 10-08-13 04:59
    dr. Lowe, Edna Kyrie, thyroidhistory, ThyroidHistory.net, thyroidresearch, ThyroidResearch.com
    2 Svar
    5,815 Visninger
  12. "Your TSH is normal", says Anthony Weetman

    Started by Mod, 15-12-12 03:14
    Anthony Weetman, It's All In Your Head, Trine Bjøro
    1 Svar
    7,774 Visninger
  13. 2 Svar
    7,116 Visninger
  14. 0 Svar
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  15. 0 Svar
    6,039 Visninger
  16. The mini-universe of the medical profession

    Started by Anisa, 08-11-11 10:55
    bad doctors, medical profession
    0 Svar
    4,797 Visninger

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